UX Designer


Not Just Work, Work, Work

It’s 2018. Work is more than getting higher up the ladder and higher salaries. We’re facing burn-outs, an increase in informal caregivers and we all want a meaningful job. So, society is looking for a healthy, happy work-life balance. That’s why Intermediar.nl asked us to help them evolve. From a career focused platform, towards one that helps their one million unique visitors a month with work ánd life content and services.

Three platform pillars

Three platform pillars

We facilitated a 5-day sprint towards a platform concept that adds, next to career, the two new pillars of Intermediairs proposition: work-happiness and personal development. We explored how the key ingredients of Intermediair should combine to create an inspiring user experience, like education opportunities, research insights about work-life, salary tools and more. We worked towards an interactive prototype, took it to the test and refined the prototype using our newfound insights.

Future-proofing traditional media

Future-proofing traditional media

The new platform honors Intermediair’s heritage, but also brings together everything the organisation has to offer. This results in a less fragmented content and media landscape, and a solid proposition towards businesses that are looking to build their employer brand or find talent.

All together, the platform forms a solid base for Intermediair to discuss and explore current work-life challenges. During the months to come we will assist Intermediair in creating constant awareness for Intermediair and driving traffic with content and campaigns like Carriere Conditietest and Beste Werkgever Award.

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